Dapaong: Off-the-Beaten-Path Sights in Togo’s Underrated City


Explore Dapaong, Togo's hidden gem, with its unique blend of culture, history, and natural beauty. Discover traditional crafts, architecture, museums, waterfalls, and more.

Togo is a small country located in West Africa, and it’s often overlooked by tourists who prefer to visit its neighboring countries like Ghana and Burkina Faso. However, Togo has a lot to offer to those who venture to explore its culture, history, and natural beauty. One of the hidden gems of Togo is Dapaong, a city located in the northern part of the country. In this article, we will explore the sights and little-known places in Dapaong that make it a must-visit destination for travelers.

Why Travel to Dapaong, Togo?

Dapaong is a city that is rich in culture and history. The city has a vibrant market where you can find traditional crafts, fabrics, and jewelry. The city is also known for its unique architecture, which combines elements of traditional West African and Islamic styles. Dapaong is home to several museums that showcase the history and traditions of the region. Additionally, the city is surrounded by stunning natural beauty, including mountains, waterfalls, and forests.

Sights to See in Dapaong

  1. The Traditional Village of Tamberma

The Traditional Village of Tamberma is a UNESCO World Heritage site located near Dapaong. The village is known for its unique architecture, which features fortified mud houses with thatched roofs. The village has been inhabited by the Tamberma people for centuries, and it provides a glimpse into the traditional way of life in the region.

  1. The Mosque of Dapaong

The Mosque of Dapaong is a stunning example of the Islamic architecture that is prevalent in the region. The mosque features intricate tilework and calligraphy, and it is a must-see for anyone interested in architecture and religion.

  1. The Museum of African Art and Culture

The Museum of African Art and Culture is located in Dapaong, and it is a great place to learn about the history and traditions of the region. The museum features exhibits on traditional art, music, and dance, as well as displays on the history of the slave trade in West Africa.

  1. The Kabye Mountains

The Kabye Mountains are a range of mountains located near Dapaong. The mountains are home to several indigenous communities, including the Kabye people. The mountains provide stunning views of the surrounding landscape and are a great place to go hiking or mountain biking.

  1. The Waterfalls of Kpime

The Waterfalls of Kpime are a series of waterfalls located near Dapaong. The waterfalls are surrounded by lush vegetation and provide a refreshing break from the hot and humid climate of the region. The waterfalls are a popular spot for swimming, picnicking, and hiking.

Little-Known Places in Dapaong

  1. The Sacred Forest of Soudou

The Sacred Forest of Soudou is located near Dapaong, and it is a must-visit for anyone interested in spirituality and nature. The forest is home to several species of monkeys and birds, as well as several sacred trees that are believed to have healing properties.

  1. The Village of Batoufam

The Village of Batoufam is a small village located near Dapaong. The village is known for its traditional architecture, which features mud houses with thatched roofs. The village is also home to several artisans who specialize in traditional crafts like pottery and weaving.

  1. The Market of Dapaong

The Market of Dapaong is a bustling marketplace where you can find traditional crafts, fabrics, and jewelry. The market is a great place to shop for souvenirs and to experience the vibrant culture of the region.

  1. The Lake Togo Nature Reserve

The Lake Togo Nature Reserve is located near the coastal town of Aného, which is about two hours’ drive from Dapaong. The reserve is home to a variety of wildlife, including hippos, crocodiles, and several species of birds. Visitors can take a boat tour of the lake and explore the surrounding wetlands, which are teeming with life.

  1. The Village of Pagouda

The Village of Pagouda is a small village located near Dapaong, and it is home to several traditional healers who practice ancient African medicine. Visitors can learn about the healing properties of local plants and herbs and experience traditional healing rituals like drumming and chanting.

Why You Should Visit Dapaong

Dapaong is a city that is rich in culture, history, and natural beauty. The city has a lot to offer to travelers who are looking for an authentic West African experience. From the traditional architecture and vibrant markets to the stunning landscapes and unique cultural practices, Dapaong is a destination that will leave a lasting impression on anyone who visits.

In conclusion, if you’re planning a trip to West Africa, be sure to include Dapaong in your itinerary. With its unique blend of culture, history, and natural beauty, Dapaong is a must-visit destination for travelers who are looking for an off-the-beaten-path experience. So pack your bags, and get ready to explore this hidden gem of Togo!