Embark on an adventure to Yakutsk, Russia, the "Capital of the Cold," and discover its unique culture, stunning natural beauty, and extreme temperatures. Explore the Permafrost Kingdom and Lena Pillars Nature Park, savor fresh fish at the Yakutsk Fish Market, and immerse yourself in the local culture at the Ysyakh Festival.

Yakutsk, also known as the “Capital of the Cold,” is the capital city of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in Russia. This remote city is located in the northeastern part of Russia, about 280 miles south of the Arctic Circle. It is known for its extreme temperatures, unique culture, and stunning natural beauty. Despite its harsh climate, Yakutsk is a fascinating destination that offers an unforgettable experience for adventurous travelers. In this article, we will explore the top sights and little-known places to visit in Yakutsk, Russia. From icy rivers to local cuisine, we will show you why Yakutsk is a must-visit destination for any intrepid traveler. Permafrost Kingdom One of the most unique attractions in Yakutsk is the Permafrost […]

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